Doers of innovation
We bring dreamers and doers together to solve the challenges of our time
Consat ❤ Students
We are passionate about our employees and being your first employer gives us a big kick! It is a favor when we get the opportunity to follow your journey and contribute to a developing environment.
Consat participates in a number of different labor market days, such as Charm, Harm, Date-IT, KTH Armada, where we meet students from different sections. As we offer degree projects, it is among other things at these events that we meet prospective candidates and employees.
Consat welcomes Chalmers students
Every year we sponsor the Chalmers reception with t-shirts. We think it's great fun to be in a corner of Götaplatsen with all the expectant new students.
Consat & IAESTE are Partners
A fun collaborations for future engineergs and co-workers around the globe.
Work Fairs
Every year we are at several different labor market days such as Charm, KTH Armada and Harm where we always find good candidates for exciting degree projects as well as future colleagues!
Read about our thesis